Home ยป Samsung decided to cancel the available flagship Galaxy S21 FE shortly before the announcement

Samsung decided to cancel the available flagship Galaxy S21 FE shortly before the announcement

by alex

In August of this year, according to previously disclosed sources, Samsung was supposed to announce its affordable flagship Galaxy S21 FE. Today it became known that the South Korean company has stopped production of this model.

This is due, according to informants, with the lack of necessary components, namely single-chip systems. It is noted that Samsung changed the business plan for the production of smartphones for the first time due to a shortage of spare parts. It is reported that on June 11, the company began to warn all partners about stopping the production of components for the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE, as well as canceling orders for auxiliary parts.

As a reminder, the Galaxy S21 FE was slated to hit the market as a low-cost version of the Galaxy S21. It was assumed that the device will maintain the speed and at the same time will offer customers a lower price.

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