Home » Russia's permanent representative to the UN condemned the draft resolution on the operation in Donbass

Russia's permanent representative to the UN condemned the draft resolution on the operation in Donbass

by alex

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Nebenzia called the draft resolution of the UN Security Council on the operation in Donbass anti-Russian

Vasily Nebenzya. Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry / RIA Novosti

Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the draft resolution of the UN Security Council, which condemns the Russian special operation in the Donbass. His words are quoted by TASS.

Nebenzia condemned the draft resolution on the operation in Donbass and called it anti-Russian, as well as anti-Ukrainian. He expressed the hope that he would not have to explain why Russia opposed this document. According to the permanent representative, “at least a quick glance at him” is enough.

“Why anti-Ukrainian? Because this document, without a doubt, contradicts the fundamental interests of the Ukrainian people, since it is trying to save and consolidate in Ukraine the system of power that led this country to a tragedy that has been going on for at least eight years now,” he explained.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN also thanked those countries that did not support the draft resolution – China, India and the United Arab Emirates.

Earlier, Russia vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution on a special operation in Donbass. 11 member countries of the UN Security Council supported the resolution, three abstained from voting. According to the document, Russia is obliged to immediately withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine within its borders recognized by the international community.

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