Home » Russians warned about ways of surveillance via smartphone

Russians warned about ways of surveillance via smartphone

by alex

Anton Kukanov, head of the Roskachestvo Center for Digital Expertise, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta how you can follow a person through a smartphone.

According to him, Russians do not need any specialized knowledge and skills to spy, and methods can be divided into legal and illegal. For example, parents can monitor their child using special applications.

However, the expert warned that such applications constitute an illegal form of surveillance, since monitoring is carried out, as a rule, without the knowledge of the victim.

As Kukanov said, a smartphone can tell a lot of information, for example, about a place of rest, visiting certain places. “The only question is who exactly owns this information,” he stressed.

According to the expert, advertising will not harm. If we talk about the danger, then it can be provided by viruses that can be accidentally installed on the phone under the guise of a harmless program. Kukanov explained that, having received certain permissions, such applications can be used as spies or steal personal and payment information.

Earlier Pavel Myasoedov, partner and director of the Intellectual Reserve software company, said that using a microphone, camera, gyroscopes and other devices, the smartphone determines whether the user is near the device, whether he is holding it in his hands, and even whether he is awake or resting. In addition, some devices alert you to surveillance using special indicators.

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