Home » Russians used banned phosphorus munitions near Irpen

Russians used banned phosphorus munitions near Irpen

by alex

The Russian invaders used prohibited phosphorus munitions over the northwestern outskirts of Kyiv. It happened late on the evening of March 22.

According to the mayor of Irpin, Alexander Markushin, the approximate destruction zone is Gostomel-Irpin.

The use of such types of weapons by enemies against civilians is a crime against humanity and a violation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

< p> On the night of March 13, the invaders dropped phosphorus bombs on Popasnaya in the Lugansk region. Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova said that phosphorus shells contain an inflammatory compound whose combustion temperature exceeds 800°C, which spreads over an area of ​​​​several hundred square meters.

The defeat can cause especially severe and painful injuries or provoke a slow and painful death. To treat such wounds, specially trained medical personnel are needed, who can also get phosphorus wounds during work.

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