Home » Russians predicted treatment with chipping

Russians predicted treatment with chipping

by alex

Professor of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) Mikhail Lebedev predicted treatment with chipping for Russians. He told RIA Novosti that the method of implanting chips in 5-10 years will be able to compete with pills.

The professor suggested that competition between pharmacology and neurophysiological treatments would soon begin.

“Instead of a pill, you will receive thin implants in some area, and not necessarily in the brain, any organ can be implanted, and it will start doing something there. I think in 5-10 years. There will be no deadlock here, there will be progress, which we can not even guess about now, ”Lebedev said.

He explained that we are talking about neuroprosthetics, which, among other things, will allow replacing damaged areas of organs.

“For example, if there is a spinal cord injury, then we can remove the signal from the brain, bend around the spinal cord injury and send the signal to the muscles of the arm or to the stimulator, thus the paralyzed arm moves. Another ambitious task. Let's say that brain area A is damaged, which transmitted a signal from area B to area C. We prosthetic area A, insert it into the brain and functionally replace it. This has not been done yet, but this is possible in the future, ”explained Lebedev.

Earlier, entrepreneur Elon Musk reported on the successful chipping of a monkey: it can play video games using a wireless implant in the brain. Musk also said that the purpose of the chipping technology is to eliminate the consequences of brain and spinal cord injuries and return patients to lost abilities.

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