Home » Russians offer Ukrainians in the occupied territories to work for food

Russians offer Ukrainians in the occupied territories to work for food

by alex

In Mariupol, people are forced to work for food/Photo from Facebook of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region

Lawlessness of the Russians and atrocities in the territories of Ukraine, which they temporarily occupied, unfortunately continue. The Ukrainians were simply held hostage there and do not have a free choice.

Ukrainian intelligence has released new information about what is happening there. There is information that our people are being humiliated by being forced to work in exchange for food.

Fewer humanitarian aid and “volunteering”

The Russian invaders in Mariupol failed to recruit the required number of people to work in the municipal services of the city. They offered a salary of 10,000 Russian rubles a month. Therefore, they decided to reduce the amount of so-called “humanitarian aid”, which was not very large anyway. Although this managed to somehow ensure survival.

Now the occupying authorities have come up with a new cynical plan to get out of the situation. People are told to go to the so-called “volunteers”. They promise that they will remove rubble from the streets of Mariupol and bury the bodies of the dead in mass graves. Moreover, the reward for such work is promised in the form of “access to food”.

And they also allegedly want to “put things in order” in mutilated settlements, and in Mariupol too. Therefore, they plan to use the unpaid labor of supposedly “volunteers”.

People are ordered to hand over their crops to Crimea

The outrages of the Russians continue not only in Mariupol, but also in the temporarily occupied Kherson region. According to our scouts, near Novaya Kakhovka and Berislav, Russian infidels are forcing locals to hand over 70% of their crops to buyers from Crimea.

Sometimes purchase prices are about 10% of retail prices. Also, people are prohibited from exporting crops to the territory controlled by Ukraine. It happens that entrepreneurs distribute strawberries and cherries to people for free.

Education staff massively refuse to teach children according to the Russian program. But Russian infidels are not too worried about this, so they find absurd solutions to the situation. For example, in the temporarily occupied Melitopol, people without pedagogical education are hired as teachers.

Intelligence officers also noticed that there were more teachers sent from Russia and the occupied Crimea. Local teachers who refuse to cooperate with the occupiers are faced with domestic problems and are threatened with reprisals.

What is happening in Mariupol

  • Petr Andrryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, tells about the situation in the city. The details and stories from there are more and more terrifying every time. In particular, there are Russian military and Kadyrovites in the city. All of them treat the townspeople terribly. If they manage to catch people, they mock them. At the same time, all the invaders consider each other inadequate.
  • In addition, the humanitarian situation in the city is difficult, there is a threat of an outbreak of cholera. The Russian occupation authorities, along with concrete, throw the bodies of the dead Mariupol residents into the trash. Under each destroyed house there can be from 50 to 100 bodies. There is no reaction from the occupying authorities to the threats, despite the fact that the UK has already warned about the epidemic.
  • Also, the Russian invaders continue to bring the bodies of the dead to the premises of local supermarkets. This once again proves that we are dealing with creatures without a drop of the saint in the soul. According to Andryushchenko, in this way the Russian infidels began to “remove” the bodies of the dead Mariupol residents from separate places – from where they could be found.

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