Home » Russians believe that our country should be the first to send an expedition to Mars

Russians believe that our country should be the first to send an expedition to Mars

by alex

Russians believe that our country should be the first to send an expedition to Mars According to citizens, space must be explored for the development of science.

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion conducted a survey on whether Russia should be the first to send an expedition with people to Mars. The head of VTsIOM Valery Fedorov on the air of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda (radiokp.ru) spoke about the results of the study.

“This question doesn’t have an unambiguous answer, it almost split our audience in half. 42% believe that they should, 48% – that they should not. Therefore, the issue of competition or cooperation is being discussed, ”the sociologist said.

According to Russians, it is necessary to study space for the development of science and new technologies.

“In second place is defense. Let's remember that space began with a military theme. It was a time of global competition between the two nuclear powers – the USSR and the USA, and space was seen as a new battleground that would strengthen one side or the other, one should not lag behind, and so on. But today space is no less important for ensuring defense capability, ”said the expert.

Also, many citizens believe that it is necessary to develop the aerospace sector.

“This industry is very valuable, very advanced, we must support and develop it with all our might. And, of course, we want this industry to create such skilled and highly paid jobs for us. Work in space is prestigious, far from everyone is taken on, support in Soviet times was very good, a priority. The Russians believe that we also need to develop the aerospace industry, ”concluded Fedorov.

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