Home » Russian technologies “burning” American satellites named

Russian technologies “burning” American satellites named

by alex

Instead of intercepting, Russia could “burn” the US military satellites, the Military Industrial Courier suggests.

According to the weekly newspaper, there are three promising technologies for this. The first, the most developed, the publication includes the use of electronic warfare (EW) systems. “Even now, the reality is the disruption of the spacecraft, but not yet its destruction,” the newspaper writes.

The second technology is a laser weapon that allows you to “blind” the video surveillance equipment of enemy spacecraft.

The third is “interception by means of a powerful electromagnetic pulse, which is capable of burning out all the electronic components of the satellite.” “Relatively recently, EMP (electromagnetic pulse) generators have appeared, the principle of which consists in the ultra-fast closure of the turns of the inductor by means of an explosion, resulting in super-strong currents that generate a powerful short electromagnetic pulse,” the publication assures.

According to the newspaper, in peacetime Russia could experiment with EMP generators on its own satellites, which are nearing the end of their service life.

In July, TASS, referring to its own sources, reported that the range of guaranteed destruction of a target by Russian EMP guns during field tests was increased to 10 kilometers.

In May 2019, the deputy general director of Tekhmash, Alexander Kochkin, said that the concern he headed allows the creation of ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) capable of hitting a target using EMP.

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