Home » Russian swearing helped a model scare off an attacker in New York

Russian swearing helped a model scare off an attacker in New York

by alex

Russian swearing helped a model scare off an attacker in New York

Model Anna Lesun, winner of the Miss Yekaterinburg 2012 contest, in New York with a strong Russian word stopped a man who tried to attack her. She wrote about this in Instagram stories.

The girl was walking her dog in the Soho area of West Broadway. At this time, an unknown person approached her and asked for money. After refusing, he began to behave aggressively and threaten.

“He said he would kick my dog and started approaching me,” Lesun wrote, adding that the man had already allowed himself to push her fist. The girl, pushing him back, began to swear in Russian. According to the model, the man was taken aback by such resistance. He called the girl and left.

“I was worried that he would hit my dog Misha. You know, in my entire life, men have never touched me. I guess I'm old-fashioned. But men should never ask for money from women and raise a hand against them. This man was not a man, he was a zombie with no dignity, ”Lesun said.

The model admitted that what happened made an impression on her. She is fine now, but is considering self-defense training.

In February, a Chinese woman chased away an intruder who broke into her house, telling him that she was infected with the coronavirus. The incident took place in the city of Jingshan, near Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic.

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