Home » Russian serviceman disappeared after talking about being sent to the front illegally

Russian serviceman disappeared after talking about being sent to the front illegally

by alex

A Russian serviceman disappeared after telling a story about being illegally sent to the front Yaroslav Pogonchuk

Russian military man disappeared after recording a video about violations when being sent to the front/Collage 24 Channel

Russian military man disappeared after recording a video about his illegal dispatch to the front. He was probably sent to an illegal camp for refuseniks in Perevalsk.

The commander refuses to reveal the location of the military sent to the front. According to Russian media, the military is being held in a former colony and sent to serve in the 57th brigade, reports 24 Channel.

What is known about the disappearance of a Russian military man

Russian soldier disappeared after recording a video, in which talked about his illegal sending to the front.

Probably his < strong>sent to an illegal camp for refuseniks in Perevalsk. The wife of one of the servicemen said that her husband has not been in touch for the third day. due to violation of the law.

He only said that her husband was in the IK-15 unit, which had previously been a colony. Note that on June 15, residents of Rostov, Sochi and Krasnodar were deceived into being taken to the territory of Ukraine to participate in hostilities, despite the presence of medical certificates prohibiting this.

This guy was taken without documents and was also robbed. There is no military ID or passport. This guy is generally sick, he should be treated in a mental hospital. This one also has a referral to a psychiatrist. “Everyone got here illegally,” one of the military men said in the video.

According to Russian media, we are probably talking about the former colony 15 in occupied Perevalsk, where military personnel are kept refused to fight or asked for leave.

It turned out that militaries from this colony were sent to serve in the 57th Brigade. It is known that in 2022, several officers disappeared from the refusal camp in Bryanka and were enrolled in this brigade. It later turned out that the brigade was half mixed with PMC fighters.

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