Home » Russian scientists have found out which children are the most difficult to study at school

Russian scientists have found out which children are the most difficult to study at school

by alex

Scientists from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU) studied the features of memory, attention, and hand-eye coordination using several psychological techniques in 150 children in the preschool period, then during their studies in the first and fourth grades. Long-term research has helped to identify the prerequisites for the occurrence of linguistic, mathematical and mixed difficulties during schooling. One of the prerequisites for all learning difficulties is a low level of ability to independently complete tasks.

“37.7% of students at the time of graduation from primary school have low ability to complete assignments in independent work in the classroom in accordance with age and general education curriculum. At the same time, 15% of children cannot complete tasks in both mathematical and linguistic directions, “ RIA Novosti quotes Natalia Gorbachevskaya, professor of the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology of Development and a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution” Scientific Center for Mental Health “, Moscow State Pedagogical University

In addition to problems with the independent fulfillment of tasks, children do not know how to be guided by the system of task conditions, experience difficulties with auditory-verbal memorization, concentration, stability of attention, hand-eye coordination. Also, scientists noted the insufficient level of development of phonemic hearing. All of these factors, individually or collectively, interfere with learning at school.

Based on the data obtained, specialists will develop a program to help children at the earliest stages of education, which will be aimed at developing skills for independent work, as well as developing memory, attention, and hand-eye coordination.

Earlier “Letidor” talked about a way to understand if a child has a propensity for mathematics.

Photo: Depositphotos

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