Home » Russian propagandists drew a fake map with Poland, which “ends” near Kyiv: Warsaw reacted

Russian propagandists drew a fake map with Poland, which “ends” near Kyiv: Warsaw reacted

by alex

Putin's propagandists were in such a hurry that they were embarrassed.< /strong>

Putin's propagandists continue to spread fake news about Poland and Ukraine. Russian propagandists published on social networks a fake map imitating the weather forecast on a Polish TV channel, depicting that Poland “ends” near Kyiv, which allegedly indicates “Polish claims”.

This was announced by the founder of the Center for Modern Security Environment Research Michal Marek from the Jagiellonian University.

He noticed that Telegram had a “map” of Poland, which was presented during the weather forecast on Telewizja Polska. Mikhail Marek emphasized that the propagandists had remade the map and on it the western part of Ukraine, almost to Kyiv, was “included” in Poland.

Presenting a fake map of Poland, the Russian propaganda media repeated their senseless traditional fake about the alleged “encroachment” of Warsaw on the territory of western Ukraine. Most of the synoptic signs were predicted by the weather – there was neither wind nor pressure. The only thing visible were two dark clouds over Warsaw and Kyiv.

Polish Government Commissioner for Information Space Security Stanislav Zharin on Twitter confirmed another trick of Russian propagandists, writing:

“Russian military propagandists continue their anti-Polish information campaign, covering the topic of an alleged military threat from Poland, which, according to Russian propaganda, has a plan of direct participation in the war in Ukraine.”

By the way, the governments of Poland and Ukraine have repeatedly warned about the propaganda narratives of the Russian Federation about the alleged “desire” of Warsaw “to occupy the western regions of Ukraine” and refuted them. Both Warsaw and Kyiv noted that such fakes are part of Russian propaganda and misinformation.

Recall that in Polish Warsaw they are going to hold an action in support of the regime of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin< /strong> under the pretext of protesting against the war. Thus, Kremlin propagandists want to “discourage” the desire of the Poles to help the Ukrainians and prevent the supply of weapons to protect Ukrainian territories from the invaders.

Earlier, Stanislav Zharin, authorized representative of the government for the security of the information space of Poland, announced the next stage of the information attack of the Russian Federation in Poland. The aggressor incites the Polish society against Ukraine and the leadership of the Republic of Poland.

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