Large-scale landing tactics used by the United States can be effectively countered with light drones and air support. Scientists of the Air Force Air Force Academy named after Prof. NE Zhukovsky and YA Gagarin came to such conclusions in their research. The results were published in the journal “Aerospace Forces. Theory and Practice”.
According to scientists, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) should play a key role in combating such tactics. Their tasks include attacking enemy equipment, with which it is planned to make a landing. As shells, the researchers suggested anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, as well as small-caliber ammunition.
Another task of the drones will be to highlight targets for manned combat aircraft complexes, which will enter the battle at the next stage. UAV data will make it possible to correctly assess the situation and coordinate the attack of helicopters and aircraft in the best way.
Military scientists recommend giving preference to small UAVs for several reasons. In particular, due to their smaller size, it is more difficult to detect and knock them out with air defense systems. In addition, their relatively low cost will make it possible to produce a larger number of machines in comparison with large analogues.
Such a method will frustrate the enemy's plans to deploy fire weapons on the coastline and prevent him from advancing inland, the study said.