Home ยป Russian hackers accused of hacking the system of the US Treasury

Russian hackers accused of hacking the system of the US Treasury

by alex

Russian hackers were accused of breaking into the system of the US Treasury Department and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, which occurred the day before. This was reported by The Washington Post, citing anonymous sources, but no evidence of the involvement of hackers from Russia in this cyber attack is provided.

According to the newspaper, the attack was carried out by a group of hackers APT29 (Cozy Bear), which allegedly works for the Russian authorities. What information was accessed is not reported. The FBI is investigating the incident.

The publication notes that the same hacker group hacked into the systems of the State Department and the White House during the presidency of Barack Obama. Also, the APT29 group, according to sources, attacked a large American company FireEye last week. At the same time, it is clarified that the attacks have been taking place for several months.

Earlier, Reuters, citing sources familiar with the situation, reported that a group of hackers, backed by a foreign government, hacked into the system of the US Treasury and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and managed to steal their data. The scale of the hacking turned out to be so serious that on Saturday, December 12, a meeting of the US National Security Council was held at the White House.

In November, Microsoft accused hackers from Russia and North Korea of attacking the developers of the coronavirus vaccine. In late October, it was reported that the Fancy Bear group was trying to influence the US elections by attacking the Democratic Party.

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