Home ยป Russian doctors have noticed an unexpected property of the coronavirus

Russian doctors have noticed an unexpected property of the coronavirus

by alex

Coronavirus is able to crowd out other viruses and even malignant neoplasms. An unexpected property was noticed by Russian doctors, reports Ura.ru in its Telegram channel.

According to doctors, in patients with an initial stage of oncology after treatment for coronavirus, sometimes they did not find indications for chemotherapy. Doctors attribute this to the fact that the virus acts aggressively and does not allow competitors to develop.

In addition, doctors note that with the arrival of the coronavirus, almost no flu is detected. Basically, only rhinovirus, parainfluenza and other types of influenza related to coronavirus are recorded.

In early November, Oleg Batishchev, associate professor of the departments of biophysics and physics of living systems at MIPT, explained the sharp disappearance of influenza. According to him, the mask regime, social distancing and other anti-epidemic measures had an effect on not only the coronavirus, but also other respiratory viruses. In addition, many people were vaccinated against the flu, fearing a severe course of coronavirus infection.

Scientists have previously discovered an unexpected consequence of the flu shot. Experts have found that the risk of death of patients with cardiovascular diseases who received a similar vaccination is 18 percent less than that of other patients. They added that those vaccinated against the flu were 13 percent less likely to have heart problems.

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