Home ยป Russian commander Dvornikov drives his troops forward despite losses – Arestovich

Russian commander Dvornikov drives his troops forward despite losses – Arestovich

by alex

Russian commander Dvornikov drives his troops/Channel 24 Collage

Russian General Dvornikov is driving his troops forward despite very unfavorable conditions. Such actions lead to significant losses among the occupiers.

This was announced by Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President Alexei Arestovich at a briefing, Channel 24 reports.

During the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulsed 8 enemy attacks only in Donbass. Also, our fighters destroyed 9 tanks, that is, a tank company, 18 armored vehicles and 13 vehicles, 3 artillery systems.

Who is Dvornikov

Recall that Russia has changed the people responsible for war in Ukraine. This is controlled by the commander of the Southern Military District, General Alexander Dvornikov. He has experience of the Russian war in Syria.

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