Home » Russian authorities assessed the prospect of a jump in food prices

Russian authorities assessed the prospect of a jump in food prices

by alex

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko: there are no reasons for a sharp jump in prices in the new year

Photo: Emin Jafarov / Kommersant

The Russian authorities have assessed the prospect of an increase in food prices next year. As the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Victoria Abramchenko said, there are no reasons for a spasmodic increase in the cost of products in the new year. Her words are quoted by Interfax.

“The harvest is good for many crops. There was a shortage of potatoes. Therefore, additional measures were taken, ”she commented. According to Abramchenko, in 2022, additional emphasis will need to be made on the production of milk and dairy products, as well as vegetables and melons.

“We were looking at the possibility of importing additional volumes from the CIS countries,” Abramchenko added and clarified that not all types of food can be imported at a price lower than the domestic market.

Earlier in December, during an annual press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for suppressing inflation and protecting Russians from sharp price fluctuations. “We must use all measures of economic policy, including continuing the course to suppress inflation. Inflation has grown, but the real disposable income of citizens has also grown, ”he said.

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