Home » Russian army received sniffer drones amid conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

Russian army received sniffer drones amid conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

by alex

The Russian army has received sniffer drones designed to detect enemy air defense systems and anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM), Izvestia reports, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense.

According to the newspaper, the unmanned reconnaissance system, tested in the Southern Military District (YuVO), determines the radio-electronic radiation, position and tactical and technical characteristics of the target. The publication notes that the drone, which is notable for its compact size, “should save the Russian military aviation from serious losses.”

According to the ex-commander of the 4th Army of the Air Force (Air Force) and Air Defense, Lieutenant General Valery Gorbenko, such systems played an important role against the background of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. “Turkish drones worked very effectively there. And the air defense system of the Armenian side turned out to be weak, ”the specialist noted.

In November, Deputy Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) Konstantin Makienko, commenting on the results of the latest conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, in which, in his opinion, Russia was the loser, said that currently the Armed Forces of Ukraine have weapons systems that do not exist in Russia, namely, third-generation anti-tank missile systems and kamikaze drones.

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