Home » Russian Americans urged to remove the banner about the Russian language in New York

Russian Americans urged to remove the banner about the Russian language in New York

by alex

The Congress of Russian Americans (CRA) has asked to remove the provocative banner in New York. RIA Novosti reports.

The reason for the appeal was a poster that reads “Vote, because Russian language lessons are expensive.” The CRA considered such a message to be discriminatory on ethnic grounds. Representatives of the organization wrote to the company on whose building the banner was placed, a letter urging them to dismantle it.

In 2019, the US Central Intelligence Agency got embarrassed when looking for Russian-speaking personnel. On the billboard was placed the text “Your knowledge of foreign languages are vitally important to our national security”. The authors of this advertisement wanted to attract the attention of the Russian-speaking audience, but made a mistake with the form of the English verb state to be, causing a mismatch between the singular and plural in the whole phrase. The literal translation of the phrase reads “Your knowledge of foreign languages is vital to our national security.”

Previously, Russia was repeatedly accused of interfering in US affairs. So, in April 2019, the American special prosecutor Robert Mueller published a report on Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, which was won by Donald Trump. It says that Moscow did interfere in the American electoral process, but suspicions about the connection between the Russian side and Trump could not be confirmed. Later, a federal court in Washington ruled that the connection of the “troll factory” with the Kremlin was also not proven.

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