Home » Russian Ambassador calls US denial of Russian genocide in Donbas cynicism

Russian Ambassador calls US denial of Russian genocide in Donbas cynicism

by alex

US cynically denies Russian genocide in Donbass, says Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov

Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov called the US denial of the fact of the Russian genocide in the Donbass cynicism. His words were published on the embassy's Facebook page.

“Here one can trace not just double standards on the part of the United States, but quite primitive and rude cynicism. It turns out that the beautiful slogans of Washington about the highest value of human rights are not worth a penny,” Antonov said. According to him, the American side is pursuing a geopolitical goal of pushing Russia as far east as possible. “And if so, it is necessary to draw a line on squeezing the Russian-speaking population out of their current places of residence,” he explained.

The Russian ambassador added that millions of Russians live in Ukraine, whose interests must be ensured and protected, and the United States must understand this. This is precisely the guarantee of the stability of Ukrainian statehood and territorial integrity, Antonov concluded.

The Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a criminal case on the discovery of mass graves of civilians in the territory of Donbass. According to the TFR, hundreds of facts of the destruction of the inhabitants of Donbass were recorded, which were qualified as the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare. The US State Department disagreed with Russia's assessments.

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