Home » Russian Aeroflot will save on toilet paper: it will be followed by strict accounting

Russian Aeroflot will save on toilet paper: it will be followed by strict accounting

by alex

Russians fear toilet paper theft

< strong _ngcontent-sc88="">The sanctions against Russia and the exit of international companies from the Russian market dealt unexpected blows to the Russians themselves. Therefore, they had to face difficulties even where they did not expect this.

Now in Russia they decided to save even on toilet paper. Aeroflot resorted to such an unusual method.

Aeroflot flight attendants have been ordered to keep strict records of all paper products, including toilet paper. Also napkins and paper towels. Unused rolls will need to be handed over.

While we are talking about a test mode of such accounting from June 3 to 10. And only on flights to Turkey. Although after that this practice can be introduced on a permanent basis.

Flight attendants must keep a close eye on the material on board and replenish it only as it is used. Additional rolls should never be left in accessible places so that passengers do not accidentally reach them. After landing, all unused materials must be counted, sealed and returned.

Previously, workers on board did not control the amount of paper. It was their responsibility to accept paper products and make sure that there was enough of it.

Crisis or the habit of Russians to steal?

Russian publications see the situation with Aeroflot saving toilet paper in moving on Russia crisis. Due to the imposition of sanctions, they expect prices for sanitary and hygienic goods, including toilet paper, to rise. The minimum growth will be 10%.

But it is likely that another reason is the constant habit of Russians to steal. This was especially evident during the war in Ukraine, where Russian infidels stole everything they could reach.

And before that, they had stolen more than once from hotel rooms on vacation in Turkey or Egypt. Slippers, towels, batteries and even light bulbs became “trophies” of Russian vacationers. Given the rise in prices for toilet paper and its possible shortage, the issue of stealing it from an airplane does not seem so unlikely.

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