Home » Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled

Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled

by alex

What to do with the International Space Station after 2024 (so far all project participants have agreed to operate the ISS until this very date)? Maintenance of modules will become more and more expensive – it is clear that the older the technical object, the more you need to invest in it.

Russia plans to launch its space station after 2025. And it should fly along a trajectory that will pass over the territory of our country as much as possible.

The head of the Roscosmos State Corporation has posted a video of the module located in the workshop of the Russian rocket and space corporation Energia.

The first base module for the new Russian space station

Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled

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    Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled


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    Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled


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  • Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled

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    Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled

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    Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled

    Russia will launch its station into orbit instead of the ISS: Its basis is already being assembled


    This is a scientific and energy module (SEM), which was to be launched to the ISS after the multifunctional laboratory module “Science” and the nodal module were docked to it. “Berth”. The long-suffering “Science” should fly in the coming months. Enough to keep her on the ground. The launch of the “Berth” is also logical.

    But the NEM in this situation can be held (especially since it was not yet ready to be sent to the ISS) and retrofitted in such a way that it would be the base module of the new Russian station. In this case, the station, which is still conditionally called ROSS, can be assembled from the base unit, the “Science” and “Pirs” modules, which will fly from the ISS. And new modules that still need to be developed.

    We cannot be left without an orbital station – the loss of manned flight experience can be expensive when it is decided to restore it.

    In this case, it is possible to assemble a national orbital station by 2030.

    What is the fate of the ISS? If NASA decides to continue the flight of the station after 2024, they will be able to rent our service module “Zvezda” – without it it is difficult to control the station, it has engines that correct the orbit. And pay for the work of Russian cosmonauts on it, as specialists in the operation of such equipment.


    According to the head of Roscosmos D. Rogozin, 80% of the instruments currently in the Russian segment of the ISS have exhausted their service life.

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