Home » Russia unveils “ship of the future” in 2070

Russia unveils “ship of the future” in 2070

by alex

The general director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (UAC) Alexei Rakhmanov revealed to Zvezda the possible ships that Russia will build in 2050-2070.

“The ship of the future is an environmentally friendly, intelligent and adaptable machine. It is made using new materials and has a bionic design, ”said the manager.

According to him, “hybrid or electric power plants with reduced fuel consumption, or using its ecological types: LNG (liquefied natural gas – a comment of” Lenta.ru “ ), hydrogen or wind will increasingly be used as engines.

Rakhmanov noted that “the spread of unmanned vessels” will lead, in particular, to the disappearance of “our usual superstructures”, and the use of big data will become widespread in ship navigation systems.

“And expensive test benches will also disappear. All stages of the life cycle of marine technology will be carried out on the basis of virtual modeling systems, 3D-design and optimization tools, ”said the CEO.

In July 2020, Rakhmanov announced that the K-549 Knyaz Vladimir nuclear submarine (Knyaz Vladimir) of project 955A (code Borei-A) was at the final stage before being handed over to the Russian Navy (Navy).

In June of the same year, the general director announced that after repairs, the only Russian aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, would stop smoking.

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