Home » Russia talks about plans to prevent the United States from placing weapons in space

Russia talks about plans to prevent the United States from placing weapons in space

by alex

Vasily Nebenzya

Russia wants to sign an agreement on space security to prevent the United States and its allies from deploying weapons there. Vasily Nebenzya, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, stated this, TASS reports.

Moscow notes that the situation with the militarization of outer space has worsened due to the active actions of Washington. “This is a very dangerous scenario. We will make every effort to prevent such a development of events, ”Nebenzia said. He explained that this is what requires a legal document, which must be signed by all space powers, on the prohibition of the deployment of weapons in this area. The diplomat added that Russia assumed such obligations unilaterally back in 2004.

According to the United States, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which the United States signed, excludes the placement of weapons of mass destruction in outer space, but “does not explicitly prohibit the arming of satellites or other spaceships with conventional weapons.” In May, from the launch site at Cape Canaveral, in the interests of the US Air Force (Air Force), a heavy rocket Atlas 5 launched the reusable X-37B spacecraft into near-earth orbit, which Roscosmos considers as a “weapon of mass destruction.”

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