Home » Russia started building helicopter carriers

Russia started building helicopter carriers

by alex

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The Zaliv shipyard in Kerch (Crimea) has begun building helicopter carriers, TASS reports, citing a source in the Russian military-industrial complex.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, we are talking about the formation of the hulls of universal amphibious assault ships (UDC). The source added that the construction is being carried out taking into account the experience gained in the creation of French Mistral-class helicopter-carrying ships.

The displacement of each of the UDC will be 30 thousand tons. According to the source, one such ship will be able to transport, in particular, up to one thousand marines and 16 helicopters.

“The timing of their transfer to the fleet has not changed. They must be transferred within the framework of the current state armaments program, calculated until the end of 2027, ”the source concluded.

In January, The Drive wrote that Russia should abandon its only aircraft carrier, the “damned” Admiral Kuznetsov, and focus on building a couple of new UDCs.

In July 2020, six warships were laid in Russia at once, in particular, in Kerch – UDC (helicopter carriers) “Ivan Rogov” and “Mitrofan Moskalenko” of project 23900 “Priboy”.

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