Home » Russia spoke about Biden's statement on Ukraine that creates the appearance of a concession

Russia spoke about Biden's statement on Ukraine that creates the appearance of a concession

by alex

Economist Avdeev: US refusal to deploy weapons in Ukraine only looks like a concession

Joe Biden. Photo: CNP / Globallookpress.com

Yuri Avdeev, a leading researcher at the Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Economics, said that the statement by US President Joe Biden about the refusal to deploy American offensive weapons in Ukraine only looks like a concession and creates the appearance of a compromise, but it is not. RIA Novosti reports.

“There is little joy in the fact that Biden said that the United States will not deploy weapons in Ukraine. From the side of the United States, the situation looks critical, apparently, they are experiencing serious tension, which they are trying not to show … On their part, it is supposedly a concession, but this concession does not suit us, ”the expert emphasized.

According to Avdeev, the fact that the United States has decided not to deploy strike weapons on Ukrainian territory does not mean that it has basically abandoned its presence in that country. This circumstance is not acceptable for Moscow.
The expert concluded that the position of Putin, the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Foreign Ministry has been agreed and is aimed at establishing a parity of forces between Russian interests and the actions of the United States.

Earlier, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said that Biden had assured Putin that the United States was not going to deploy offensive strike weapons in Ukraine. The head of the Russian state considers this one of the key points; this point is also indicated in the documents that were transferred to the American side.

The conversation between the Russian and American leaders began at 15.35 Washington time (23.35 Moscow time) on Thursday, December 30, and ended at 16.25 (00.25 Moscow time Friday, December 31), the White House said. In total, the dialogue lasted 50 minutes. According to Ushakov, the parties “had a substantive discussion”, the main topics were touched upon.

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