Home » Russia sends reinforcements to key city in Syria amid pro-Turkish attacks

Russia sends reinforcements to key city in Syria amid pro-Turkish attacks

by alex

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The Russian army sent reinforcements to the key city of Ain Issa in the Syrian province of Raqqa amid increasing attacks by pro-Turkish militants on Syrian positions in the area. It is reported by Al-Masdar News.

According to the agency, in mid-December, three joint Russian-Syrian observation posts were established in the Ain Issa area. It was assumed that thanks to this it would be possible to stabilize the situation in the province and prevent its further aggravation. However, despite the agreements reached by the Russian, Syrian and Turkish parties during the negotiations, pro-Turkish militants continued to attack the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (DSS) in the area, as well as to strike at settlements where civilians live.

As a result, the Russian command decided to reinforce the contingent in Ain Issa and sent reinforcements there. According to Al-Masdar News, the Turkish side should take similar measures, transferring its military to the settlement and withdrawing the militants it supports from the area.

In October 2019, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched Operation Source of Peace in Syria against the Kurds and the Islamic State terrorist organization (IS, banned in Russia). In early November of the same year, Russia and Turkey agreed to suspend it, create a security zone on the Syrian-Turkish border and patrol the region.

The Syrian civil war began in March 2011. The main participants in the conflict are government forces supporting President Bashar al-Assad, the so-called moderate opposition and Islamist groups. The opposition is supported by Turkey, Russia is helping the Assad government.

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