Home » Russia reacted to the US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty

Russia reacted to the US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty

by alex

The Russian side considers the withdrawal of the United States from the Open Skies Treaty (OON) a calculating game and will seek firm guarantees that the states remaining in the treaty will fulfill their obligations, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. So the ministry reacted to the US withdrawal from the treaty, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Washington expects that its allies will now prevent Russian observation flights over US military installations in Europe and at the same time share with the American side their photographic materials of Russian territory.

“Of course, this is unacceptable for Russia,” the ministry said. “We will seek firm guarantees that the states remaining in the OST will fulfill their obligations, firstly, to ensure the possibility of observing their entire territory and, secondly, to ensure that the materials of observation flights are not transferred to third countries that are not OON participants.”

The Foreign Ministry believes that neither the security of Europe nor the security of the United States and its allies have benefited from such a move by the American side.

“As with other arms control treaties, the American side deliberately went to undermine the DON,” the ministry said. – Now many in the West are wondering what Russia's reaction will be (…). We carefully monitor and analyze how the words of other parties to the agreement correspond to their deeds. Based on the security interests of Russia and our allies, we will take appropriate decisions. “

The United States has ceased to be a party to the Open Skies Treaty since Sunday, November 22. The American side explained its position by the fact that Moscow allegedly does not comply with the points of the agreement. The White House also said that during flights over the United States, Russia monitored the whereabouts of US President Donald Trump. Moscow denies Washington's accusations.

The Open Skies Treaty was signed in 1992. According to the document, the participating countries can make reconnaissance flights over each other's territory in order to monitor military activities and compliance with existing treaties in the field of arms control.

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