Home » Russia plans to mobilize another 400 thousand recruits – FT

Russia plans to mobilize another 400 thousand recruits – FT

by alex

The Russian Federation does not cease to increase the pace of mobilization.

The aggressor country of the Russian Federation plans to recruit into its the army still has about 400 thousand recruits without announcing a general mobilization. In addition, it is restoring its military industry at an insane pace.

The Financial Times writes about this.

As reported by the publication , over the year the Russian Federation fired 4 million artillery shells and several hundred tanks.

“Over the year Russia was able to fire 4 million artillery shells and several hundred tanks “The speed with which the restoration of the military industry in the Russian Federation is taking place was considered impossible by many Western experts,” the report says.

Similar paces together with the nuclear status of the Russian Federation and its aggressive rhetoric are fairly worrying Western politicians. years of conflict, most Western officials expect that it will be able to regain its strength within five to six years,” the authors of the material noted.

Such a pace, together with the nuclear status of the Russian Federation and its aggressive rhetoric, greatly worries Western politicians.

“Its ground forces in Ukraine have degraded, but its military the air force and navy are largely intact, and Russia is still a major nuclear state,” – quoted by a British official.

Previously we wrote that in different regions of Russia protests of mobilized relatives have intensified, despite the Kremlin’s efforts to suppress them.

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