Home » Russia made a demand for Germany on Navalny

Russia made a demand for Germany on Navalny

by alex

Russia calls on Germany to disclose materials on the case of Alexei Navalny and present the results of his samples and analyzes taken by German doctors. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, announced during her speech at the briefing, published by RIA Novosti.

“We demand that the Russian side, in response to its requests, be provided with a normal, not a blackened document. (…) All materials we received are semi-unsubscriptions. They basically lack any significant information, ”Zakharova stressed.

She clarified that in the materials provided to Russia, the entire texture of value was smeared with a black marker.

Earlier in November, the Foreign Ministry called the Navalny case “an amateurishly staged performance.” The ministry recalled that it was in Russia that the oppositionist's life was saved. “Impeccable coherence of actions was ensured, despite the reports of the” mining “of the airport in the city of Omsk, received from the server located – by some strange coincidence – in Germany,” – said in the message. Diplomats were also surprised that Navalny was aware of the false mining immediately after regaining consciousness, despite the lack of official information about this.

On October 15, the European Union imposed sanctions against six Russians due to the situation with the oppositionist. In particular, the director of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the Russian president's internal policy department, Andrei Yarin, and others, fell under the restrictions. They are banned from entering the territory of the European Union, and financial assets in European banks are frozen. In addition, sanctions were imposed on the State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology (GosNIIOKhT).

On the morning of August 20, during the flight from Tomsk to Moscow, Navalny's health deteriorated sharply, the plane made an emergency landing in Omsk. On August 22, the oppositionist was taken to a Berlin clinic. German experts said that traces of a substance from the Novichok group were found in his body. At the same time, Russian doctors did not find any poisons in Navalny's body.

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