Home » Russia has updated the list of measures to combat COVID-19

Russia has updated the list of measures to combat COVID-19

by alex

Rospotrebnadzor excluded the wearing of gloves from the recommendations for combating coronavirus

Photo: Oleg Kharseev / Kommersant

Russia has updated the list of measures to combat coronavirus infection. In particular, the wearing of medical gloves was excluded from the list of anti-epidemic recommendations. The corresponding resolution of the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova is published on the Internet portal of legal information.

According to the document of the chief state sanitary doctor, in order to break the transmission mechanism of COVID-19, it remains necessary to observe a social distance of 1.5 to 2 meters and personal hygiene rules, including hand washing, the use of antiseptics and medical masks. Previously, these recommendations in this paragraph 4.4 contained information about the need to wear gloves.

Earlier, immunologist, Candidate of medical Sciences Nikolay Kryuchkov said that medical masks reduce the risk of infection with coronavirus by two and a half times, but their effectiveness decreased in omicron conditions.

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