Home » Russia equips the border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan

Russia equips the border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan

by alex

Russia to send weapons to Tajikistan and equip border outpost with Afghanistan

Photo: Shamil Zhumatov / Reuters

Russia will strengthen the border of Tajikistan with Afghanistan – the armed forces will equip the border with border outposts, in addition, the Tajiks will be sent new weapons and equipment. This was announced by the Russian ambassador to the republic Igor Lyakin-Frolov, reports Telegram channel Sputnik.

The issue of security of the southern border of Tajikistan was discussed in detail at a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Tajik leader Emomali Rahmon. “The situation on the border with Afghanistan (…) causes a certain concern, concern. These are objective circumstances, and I share this concern, “Putin supported his colleague.

In addition to helping to strengthen border checkpoints, Tajikistan will be supplied with new weapons and equipment. It is also known that the Russian Armed Forces will assist in the modernization of the republic's army. The country still houses a Russian military base. There are no reports of any reciprocal steps taken by Dushanbe towards Moscow.

Rahmon expressed concern for the security of the border with Afghanistan since the moment the Taliban came to power in Kabul (the Taliban terrorist organization is banned in Russia ). At the end of September, it became known that Tajikistan had pulled together army forces to the southern border.

The growth of drug trafficking from Afghanistan was called one of the first consequences of the seizure of power by the Taliban. Nine kilograms of opium were confiscated from one citizen of the republic, who was detained in Uzbekistan.

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