Home » Russia criticizes UN Security Council draft resolution on operation in Donbass

Russia criticizes UN Security Council draft resolution on operation in Donbass

by alex

Permanent Representative Nebenzya called the UN Security Council draft resolution on Donbass anti-Russian and anti-Ukrainian

Vasily Nebenzya. Photo: Carlo Allegri / Reuters

Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations (UN) Vasily Nebenzya explained why the country blocked a draft resolution in the UN Security Council (SC) that condemns the Russian special operation in Donbass. The words of Nebenzi are quoted by RIA Novosti.

Anti-Russian resolution

Nebenzya criticized the UN Security Council draft resolution on the operation in Donbass and called it anti-Russian and anti-Ukrainian. He stressed that one should not explain why Russia did not support the project. The permanent representative urged “at least to take a quick look at it” and draw appropriate conclusions.

Russia voted against the anti-Russian and anti-Ukrainian draft Security Council resolution submitted to us today

Russia criticizes UN Security Council draft resolution on operation in Donbass

Vasily Nebenzya, Ambassador of Russia to the UN

Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN explained why he called the document anti-Ukrainian as well. According to him, the project is contrary to the fundamental interests of the people of Ukraine, since it is trying to save and consolidate in Ukraine that system of power, “which led this country to a tragedy that has been going on for at least eight years now.”

Voting for the project

Russia vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution on a special operation in Donbass, initiated by the United States and Albania. The document states that Russia is obliged to immediately withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine within its borders recognized by the international community.

11 member countries of the UN Security Council voted for a resolution on Russia's special operation in Donbass

In addition, Moscow needs to cancel the decision to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DNR and LNR). The document also contains a call addressed to all parties to the Minsk agreements to comply with the established agreements. The project was supported by 11 member countries of the UN Security Council, while China, India and the UAE abstained from voting. For this, Nebenzya thanked them.

International reaction

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that the United States will seek condemnation of Russia's special operation in the Donbass. She promised to submit an appropriate draft resolution to the UN General Assembly (GA), “where the Russian veto will not work.”

This vote shows which states support the principles of the UN and which do not, who supports the UN charter and who does not.

Russia criticizes UN Security Council draft resolution on operation in Donbass

Linda Thomas-GreenfieldU.S. Ambassador to the UN

In turn, China's Permanent Representative to the UN Zhang Jun called on NATO to take into account Russia's security interests. He stressed that against the backdrop of five successive rounds of NATO expansion, Russia's “legitimate security concerns” must be taken into account.

Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Serhiy Kyslytsya announced Kyiv's readiness for dialogue with Moscow. “We remain open to negotiations,” he said. Kislytsya added that he meant dialogue with Russia on an ongoing basis.

Failure to comply with the Minsk agreements

Nebenzya noted that the draft resolution does not indicate that Kyiv has constantly violated the Minsk agreements. In his opinion, if the authors of the document sought to “give it at least a remotely resembling balanced look”, then they would not ignore issues that “must not be forgotten.”

It remained outside the brackets how the Ukrainian authorities, with the connivance of their Western patrons, consistently and cynically avoided the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the core element of which was a direct dialogue with the inhabitants of the east of the country.

Russia criticizes UN Security Council draft resolution on operation in Donbass

Vasily Nebenzya, Ambassador of Russia to the UN

The Russian permanent representative added that the project was left out of “how the Maidan junta, which came to power as a result of an unconstitutional coup in Kyiv in February 2014, unleashed a war against the inhabitants of the east of the country, fired at peaceful neighborhoods from cannons and multiple rocket launchers and dropped them on Donetsk and Lugansk residents bombs.” Nebenzya also said that Ukraine is a pawn in the geopolitical game of the West.


Nebenzya noted that the tasks of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine are planned to be completed “quite soon.” He recalled that Russia is not at war with Ukraine and its citizens, but is conducting a special operation against nationalists, which, among other things, is aimed at protecting the inhabitants of Donbass.

The diplomat stressed that the Ukrainian people “will once again be able to independently decide their own destiny.” He is sure that
the inhabitants of the country will live in peace, good neighborliness and cooperation with all neighbors.

Russian special operation in Donbass

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he had decided to conduct a special operation in the Donbass. He stressed that all the necessary decisions have been made, so the country is ready for “any development of events.” On February 21, Vladimir Putin signed decrees recognizing the DNR and LNR and treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance with the republics.

President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the introduction of martial law in Ukraine and the severance of diplomatic relations with the Russian side.

On February 25, Putin expressed his readiness to send a delegation to negotiate with Ukraine on the country's neutral status. His press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Ukrainian side offered to hold talks in Warsaw, but later took a break and stopped communicating.

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