Home ยป Russia calls new WhatsApp rules illegal and unethical

Russia calls new WhatsApp rules illegal and unethical

by alex

Today, WhatsApp has begun sending users an irrevocable invitation to accept the new privacy policy. Member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Anton Gorelkin commented on this.

Anton Gorelkin believes that the new WhatsApp policy with regard to users' personal data is unethical. The parliamentarian recalled that the messenger “recruited” users on the same conditions, and confronts them with a fact.

Anton Gorelkin also turned to the law on the transfer of personal data. He argues that, by law, the information operator is obliged to request permission from the user to transfer information about him to third parties. WhatsApp, of course, complies with this condition, but “in the form of an ultimatum, depriving the user of a choice.” Anton Gorelkin considers this to be a violation of the law.

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