Home » Russia calls CIA report on confrontation between Putin and Biden stupid

Russia calls CIA report on confrontation between Putin and Biden stupid

by alex

Sergey Ryabkov

Reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin is allegedly leading a campaign to discredit US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden are yet another manifestation of hopeless stupidity. This is how the information that appeared earlier in a number of Western media outlets was described by the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, RIA Novosti reports.

“This is another manifestation of the hopeless stupidity and turbidity of those who write such texts. Nothing more, there is no subject even for some kind of comment, you can only shrug your shoulders, “Ryabkov said.

Thus, he reacted to the publication of the Washington Post, which told about a secret CIA report. According to the newspaper, the report, which was published on August 31, said that Putin may be leading the campaign against Biden. This is the conclusion reached by analysts of the department, having studied both open sources and classified intelligence information using information from the National Security Agency (NSA) and the FBI.

Earlier in September, Biden threatened Russia with repercussions for alleged interference in the country's internal affairs. He also stressed that if he wins the presidential election, Moscow's attempts to influence the American electoral process will not go unanswered.

Prior to that, Russia was repeatedly accused of interfering in US affairs. So, in April 2019, the American special prosecutor Robert Mueller published a report on Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, which was won by Donald Trump. It says that Moscow did interfere in the American electoral process, but suspicions about the connection between the Russian side and Trump could not be confirmed. Later, a federal court in Washington ruled that the connection of the “troll factory” with the Kremlin was also not proven.

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