Home » Russia called Navalny's accusations “immoral”

Russia called Navalny's accusations “immoral”

by alex

Vasily Nebenzya

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya called Alexei Navalny's accusations against President Vladimir Putin “immoral”. It is reported by “Interfax”.

“I don't even dare to ask why Putin needs it. I mean it's absurd in principle. But I would say that even the statements not only from Navalny, but also many other statements that we hear about this, are offensive. It is immoral to even hint, ”the Russian diplomat said, commenting on Navalny's statement that the Russian leadership was allegedly involved in his poisoning.

Nebenzya also called on Germany to cooperate with Russia on this issue, and not to rush to write letters requesting a UN briefing on the situation with Navalny.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced the work of the Western special services with Alexei Navalny. According to him, specialists from the CIA are working with Navalny. Peskov also added that this is not the first time that foreign special services have given different instructions to Navalny.

Navalny became ill on August 20 during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow, the plane was landed in Omsk. The first two days he was treated by doctors at a local hospital. On August 22, he was transported to the Berlin clinic “Charite”, whose specialists announced the discovery in Navalny's body of a substance from the “Novichok” group. Russian doctors found no traces of poisoning. The Kremlin has repeatedly expressed a desire to investigate what happened.

In September, Navalny was brought out of a coma and discharged from the clinic. He told German journalists about his desire to return to Russia.

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