Home » Russia announced the expectation of the start of the “cold digital war” with Google

Russia announced the expectation of the start of the “cold digital war” with Google

by alex

The first deputy chairman of the OP Malkevich announced the risk of a “cold digital war” with Google and Meta in the Russian Federation

Photo: Truth Leem / Reuters

Alexander Malkevich, the first deputy chairman of the commission of the Public Chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation for the development of the information community, media and mass communications, announced the expectation of the start of the “cold digital war” with Google and Meta Platforms against the Russians. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

According to Malkevich, the Russian OP has several times proposed an initiative for people working for the state to limit their presence on WhatsApp. He noted that there are a lot of documents that confirm the insecurity and risks of using the messenger.

“Nevertheless, they continue to use WhatsApp, send each other documents, some secret materials, including those related to the security of our country, which are trade secrets, use various cloud storage facilities, so-called, that is, without observing elementary security,” said the deputy chairman.

He also noted that now attempts to offer to voluntarily abandon this social network have not met with great success. “It is absolutely real situation when we find ourselves in a cold digital war,” – warned a member of the OP.

Earlier on December 24, the Tagansky Court of Moscow imposed a turnover fine of 1.9 billion rubles on Meta (formerly Facebook) for refusing to remove content prohibited in Russia. The corporation was found guilty of committing an administrative offense under Part 5 of Article 13.41 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation (“Failure to delete by the owner of the site information, the obligation to delete which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation”).

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