Dinara Toktosunova, the head of RT DE and Ruptly, said that they sent a pre-trial letter to Google about the restoration of channels deleted by YouTube. This was reported on Thursday, October 21, 2021 by RT.
“We sent a pre-trial letter to Google. Silence. Then our lawyers filed a motion with the court for an interim ban against blocking and strikes against RT DE. An interim injunction is such a quick remedy. issued in a couple of days or even a couple of hours. The defendant, of course, can challenge this decision, “she said.
Toktosunova added that by the time the petition was filed, there was already an objection from Google in court with reasons why a decision could not be made in favor of RT DE. Now they must familiarize themselves with this document and present their arguments by October 26.
Earlier it was reported that the video hosting YouTube has deleted two German RT channels: RT DE and Der Fehlende Part (DFP) without the possibility of recovery. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov believes that measures can be taken to force the platform to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, reports the TV channel “360”.