Home » Roswitha Stadlober:

Roswitha Stadlober:

by alex

After 116 years of association history, the Salzburg woman became the first female ÖSV president.

Roswitha Stadlober is the new President of the Austrian Ski Association (ÖSV). The 58-year-old from Salzburg was unanimously elected for the period from 2021 to 2024 at the extraordinary country conference in Anif on Friday. After Karl Schmidhofer's surprising resignation on Wednesday, the conference of state presidents agreed on Stadlober, who had held the post on an interim basis since September 30th.

Stadlober is the first woman at the top in the association's 116-year history; before that, 22 men had headed the local ski association. As decided two days ago, Patrick Ortlieb was elected Finance Officer, Christina Scherer is Secretary General with an advisory capacity.

APA interview with Roswitha Stadlober (58), who was elected as the first woman to be the ÖSV President on Friday in Salzburg:

APA : You actually wanted to quit as ÖSV vice-president in the spring. Now you are the first woman after 116 years of association history and 22 men at the top to be the head of the ski association. How does that feel?

Stadlober: “Still a bit not quite there, although so much has already happened. Of course, the situation has changed since spring. At that time, due to the whole sad spectacle, it was clear to me that after ten years of working as an official, it was enough for me But then, before the international conference, I was asked to remain a member of the Presidium. It is important for me that we can get along with each other. And then it turned out to be what happened. “

Are you happy that your order has now been placed much more harmoniously than that of your immediate predecessor Karl Schmidhofer?

“I would like to thank the presidential conference that we have reached a unanimous decision. Now it is time to get calm and stability and to continue on the successful path.”

Roswitha Stadlober:

Secretary General Christian Scherer, President Roswitha Stadlober, Finance Officer Patrick Ortlieb

You speak of a spirit of optimism in the association. Can you explain that in more detail?

“For me it is important that we are a team. And not just the team that is at the front with me, Finance Officer Patrick Ortlieb and General Secretary Christian Scherer. But the entire ÖSV. We are one 'we', I want to convey these values . The ÖSV has excellent employees and there are many important issues. The spirit of optimism can be felt everywhere. Karl Schmidhofer has initiated a structural reform in the short time that we will continue to develop. For example with fixed responsibilities. I as President and in the areas of biathlon, cross-country skiing , Ski mountaineering and training. My heart is in it and I know my way around sports very well. “

What are the big screws that should be turned in the ÖSV?

“It is important to note that we have taken over a very well-ordered establishment. Sport is in the best of hands with Toni Giger. The HR department is a few screws. Or digitization, so that in this day and age everyone has the same information at the push of a button That applies to all employees in the team. Not only those in the house, but also the trainers. Sustainability is also important to me. We will position ourselves very well at the World Championships in Saalbach. Perhaps it will be a top green event. When dealing with the We are all challenged with resources. “

How do you mainly differ from long-term President Peter Schröcksnadel?

Stadlober “The noticeable difference is that I am a woman and younger. And he is a man and older (laughs).”

The ÖSV was heavily criticized in the course of “MeToo”. How important is the topic to you?

“Very important. We raised our children in such a way that, hopefully, something like this can never happen again. There is absolutely no excuse for such a thing. As an association, we have a social responsibility when young people are entrusted to us, especially when they are underage . That's why I definitely want to continue the well-established Optimal Sports. “

You were a very successful slalom runner yourself in the 1980s. Will the ÖSV continue to put a lot of emphasis on alpine sports?

“All sports are important to me. Everyone deserves your attention, because everyone invest a lot in order to achieve their goal. We in the association create the framework and stand for all sports. But of course, alpine is financially different than said fringe sports I've tried many sports myself, and I'm a very sporty president. “

Cross-country skiing, a discipline that her husband and her two children practice or have practiced, has been severely affected by doping scandals. How could it go on there?

“There is no excuse for what happened. The structure of responsibility has been outsourced for three years. The goal is of course a return. To create a basic structure again and to give the sport and the young athletes perspectives, to form a team again. Otherwise cross-country skiing breaks away completely. But it is the basic sport for the Nordic Combined and the biathlon. “

Many ÖSV athletes are enthusiastic about their choice. According to Manuel Feller, women tend to be better managers. Is he right?

“I'm hearing this for the first time. I've actually had a lot of positive reactions so far. Whether better? Perhaps more simply: Different. A different style. That will also be noticeable. But the more important thing is: I'm very close to the sport and can do it Put myself in my shoes. Every day I experience the needs that we have to respond to. That may make a woman more empathetic than sometimes a man. “

What kind of president do you want to be? Also always available for the athletes?

“You can certainly contact me at any time. It is important to me to have a direct line. I don't want to be shielded in front. You have to know the needs. In politics, too, it is often the case that you don't know what will reach the bottom. How are the people? The athletes? Everyone has their needs, everyone should always be able to come to me. “

When asked about medal expectations, Schröcksnadel always mentioned six to eight. What are your hopes for the winter games in China?

“I would be happy if we come home with ten plus. That's at least two more than Peter. But you just have to follow in the footsteps.”

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