Home ยป Roskomnadzor will first apply turnover fines to Facebook for not deleting dangerous information

Roskomnadzor will first apply turnover fines to Facebook for not deleting dangerous information

by alex

Facebook will be fined by a Russian court for not deleting dangerous information on social networks belonging to it. As reported in Roskomnadzor, since the offense was committed again, turnover fines will be applied to the company for the first time.

The administrative protocol for the repeated violation was drawn up in the presence of representatives of Roskomnadzor and Facebook. It will be submitted to the court, which will later determine the date of the hearing.

“For such an offense, committed repeatedly, an American IT company faces a fine in the amount of 1/20 to 1/10 of its annual revenue. The exact amount of the fine will also be determined by the court,” the press service of Roskomnadzor said.

As noted in the department, in order to prove the guilt of Facebook Inc, the protocol provides links to nine materials, according to which the department has sent 110 notifications with a request to delete since 2019. This was done, but in violation of the law – in a period exceeding 24 hours. In addition, according to Roskomnadzor, thousands of hazardous materials that violate Russian law remain on Facebook's social networks.

As the website kp.ru previously wrote, the Russian economy was losing about 70 million rubles an hour during the global disruptions in the work of the social network Facebook. Anna Mikhailova, business development manager of the Angara group of companies, spoke about this.

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