< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/842/tsn-68a41e04dcd5a9f31ad7b42986f FB0F3/Thumbs/1036x648/B4/46/39D3521C40CC6CC9C53E060403046B4.JPEG " />~ 60 >< strong > dad served the Holy Mass in the hospital. ~ 60 >< P > state of 88-year-old Francis remains stable: the respiratory therapy and the response and response and the response and response continues. Physiotherapy. Dad even served the Holy Mass in the hospital.
< p > this is stated in the Vatican’s message, which unveiled a photo of dad during the message.
< p > Presswalka of the Holy See informed about the state of health of Pope Francis, who has been in the hospital since February 14. According to the Vatican, the state of the dad remains stable.
< IMG class = "C-Card__mbed__img" SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/995/tsn-7a7affe7a64cd96a891771cf 6BF5B51/Thumbs/608xx/7D/88/14812DCEB4C6287304C1758D3518887D.PNG " width = "608" height = "343" alt = "Dad served the Holy Mass in the hospital photo: vaticannews.va/©" > 60 > “In the morning he served the Sunday Holy Mass in the chapel and on this day did not accept a single visitor. He continues with good results. The prescribed therapy, including respiratory and motor rehabilitation, and spent the day between prayer, rest and some work, ”the report said. < p > < p > on March 17 it is not planned to publish a medical ballot, and the press service will provide reporters with some general information in the evening. 62> in the photo released by the Vatican, Francis is facing the crucifixion in the altar of the chapel at the hospital. Pontiff prays there every day, since it feels better, its representatives say.
< p > Recall that at the end of February the state of the pope was critical. Then the Pope Francis was conscious and received oxygen therapy. Doctors observed his initial renal failure.
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