Home » Rogozin named Russia's global goal in space

Rogozin named Russia's global goal in space

by alex

Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin, answering a question from user vilchinskydenis on Twitter, named Russia's global goal in space.

“The expansion of mankind in space, as well as the use of the results of space activities to ensure the strategic defense of the country, increase the quality of life of the people, develop breakthrough technologies and conduct fundamental scientific research on the origin of the Earth and the Universe,” the manager said.

Thus Rogozin answered the question in the thread under his post dedicated to the preparation for the launch of the Soyuz-2 rocket of the Progress Rocket and Space Center (RCC) from the Kourou cosmodrome in French Guiana.

“This is all great, of course, but what are the goals? [US company] Space X is being watched by the whole world because Musk has a clear goal of getting to Mars and making satellite internet. He goes to them, it is interesting to watch it. And what are our global goals in space? ” The user asked.

In his opinion, the goal formulated by Rogozin is not clear, but “sounds nice.”

Earlier, the head of the state corporation called the sanctions imposed by the state corporation against the Progress Rocket and Space Center (RSC), which in 2020 ensured 14 out of 16 Russian launches, a mandatory punishment for “the plant and its staff for mistakes made by people who have been at this plant for a long time no longer work. “

In December, the US Department of Commerce published a list of Russian and Chinese organizations that have been sanctioned for cooperation with the military, in particular, the Samara RCC Progress.

The amount of claims of Roscosmos to this enterprise exceeds 4.7 billion rubles.

At present, mass layoffs are being carried out at the Progress RCC, and Roscosmos is withdrawing money from this enterprise.

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