Home » Rogozin explained why space tourism needs to be developed

Rogozin explained why space tourism needs to be developed

by alex

Rogozin explained why space tourism needs to be developed According to the head of Roscosmos, space needs to be made open to people.

Dmitry Rogozin, General Director of the State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos, explained on the air of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda (radiokp.ru) why it is necessary to develop space tourism.

“Sometimes it is a shame to hear that many of our citizens do not know the names of our cosmonauts, although they are outstanding people, they risk their lives no less than the pioneers. And that says what?

That it is necessary to promote manned space and show how difficult it remains, how risky it remains. And that the people who work in the cosmonaut corps are really outstanding personalities and wonderful professionals, ”Rogozin said.

He noted that corporations need to make money.

“We have serious financial restrictions, very serious, it is difficult to achieve much from our Ministry of Finance. It used to be that Soviet cosmonautics would come and say how much they needed. And she got exactly as much as they needed.

Now everything is different, there are different people. Therefore, it is necessary to earn this money ourselves and invest it in the development of technologies. And for this, space tourism is a good topic, ”said the head of the department.

According to him, space must be made open to people.

“First, for those who will allow paying for their flights, and when we reduce the cost of these flights, expand the possibilities, then this is our dream, the dream of people who work professionally in the industry, so that space becomes open to mankind. So that in the future there will be opportunities for the colonization of other planets, ”explained Rogozin.

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