Home » Rogozin explained the backlog of “Roscosmos”

Rogozin explained the backlog of “Roscosmos”

by alex

In 2020, Roskosmos performed twice as few launches as originally planned, Interfax reports, citing a statement by the state corporation's CEO Dmitry Rogozin, published in the Siberian Sputnik magazine.

“Last year we carried out less than planned launches of space rockets in the interests of the state and our commercial partners. But under certain difficult circumstances, all the economies of the world were forced to adjust their plans, ”its head explains the backlog of Roscosmos.

The agency draws attention to the fact that in April the manager spoke about the plans of the state corporation in 2020 to conduct 33 launches of space rockets.

In December, ArsTechnica noted that the American company SpaceX in 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, broke its own record in 2018 for the number of rocket launches.

To date, SpaceX has completed 25 launches in 2020, 14 of which have launched Starlink satellites.

Roskosmos made 16 launches over the same period.

According to open data, China and the United States, the world's largest economies, conducted more space rocket launches in 2020 than in 2019.

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