Home » Rogozin congratulated China on landing the spacecraft on Mars

Rogozin congratulated China on landing the spacecraft on Mars

by alex

The head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin congratulated China on a successful landing

station “Tianwen-1” to Mars. Congratulations were posted on his Telegram channel.

Roscosmos welcomes the resumption of exploration of the planets of the solar system by the leading space powers. The successful landing of China's spacecraft on the surface of Mars is a great success of the PRC's fundamental space research program, ”the message says.

According to Rogozin, a Russian-European ExoMars mission is planned to be sent to Mars next year.

Earlier, the deputy head of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for scientific affairs, Thomas Zurbuchen, congratulated China on a successful landing on the planet.

Earlier, the Xinhua agency, citing the National Space Administration, reported that the Chinese Tianwen 1 spacecraft landed on the surface of Mars. He entered Mars orbit in February. For more than two months, the device explored potential landing sites.

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