Home ยป Rogozin appreciated Musk's plans to colonize Mars

Rogozin appreciated Musk's plans to colonize Mars

by alex

Specialists of the state corporation “Roskosmos” are planning to create a space environmental monitoring system in the coming years instead of looking for ways to “escape from the planet.” This was announced on Sunday, June 6, by the head of the corporation Dmitry Rogozin in his Telegram channel.

Recall that the head of SpaceX, Elon Musk, spoke many times about the need to relocate mankind to Mars in case of global catastrophes on our planet.

– Our task is to leave our children with a pure nature, favorable for the development of mankind, the Earth. And not to look for the escape routes of the chosen ones from the dying planet under a glass cover on an alien lifeless planet, – wrote Dmitry Rogozin.

According to him, Roscosmos intends to focus on creating an orbital constellation to monitor the environment and combat greenhouse emissions. Specialists on behalf of Dmitry Rogozin have already begun to create spacecraft designs that can detect dangerous actions against the environment, for example, carbon emissions. The state corporation will cooperate on this issue with the Scientific Research Center “Planet”.

As the site kp.ru reported, on the sidelines of SPIEF-2021, the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin called the statements about the imminent flight of a man to Mars an absolute absurdity.

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