Home » Risk factors for severe COVID-19 in vaccinated patients named

Risk factors for severe COVID-19 in vaccinated patients named

by alex

Risk factors for severe COVID-19 in vaccinated patients named

American scientists have conducted a study and identified factors that contribute to the severe course of coronavirus in a patient who has received a full vaccination against COVID-19. The work of the Yale University staff is described in an article published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

As noted, experts analyzed the condition of about 1000 patients who were sent to the hospital with covid. However, only 54 of them were fully vaccinated against the infection. According to scientists, this proves the strong protective properties of the vaccine.

It later turned out that half of the 54 patients did not have symptoms of COVID-19, and the reasons for hospitalization were different. It was only during routine testing for SARS-CoV-2 that they found an infection. Critical condition was observed in 14 hospitalized, they were in dire need of oxygen support. Four patients were admitted to intensive care, three of them died.

The study showed that 14 seriously ill patients had concomitant diseases, with the average age of people being 80 years. Diseases of the cardiovascular system were recorded in 12 of them, nine suffered from excess weight, seven more from diabetes, seven in the past suffered from lung diseases.

The author of the work, Dr. Hyun Chun, who studies diseases of the cardiovascular system, emphasized that the majority of people vaccinated against coronavirus suffer from the disease in a mild form.

“Cases of severe illness in vaccinated people are very rare, but they are becoming more frequent as the virus mutates. In addition, more time passes from the moment of vaccination of patients, ”the scientist said.

According to him, despite the emergence of new quality drugs, people must continue to maintain social distance and wear masks.

Earlier it was reported that scientists from Uzbekistan are developing a tomato-based drug against coronavirus. And scientists from Japan have failed to detect the effect of the coronavirus vaccine on male fertility.

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