Home ยป Revealed the first characteristics of the secret Apple device

Revealed the first characteristics of the secret Apple device

by alex

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Apple's smart glasses won't be out until the first half of 2022. Blogger and insider Ross Young announced this on his Twitter account.

The author revealed the characteristics of a fundamentally new device from an American company, which is being developed secretly. The glasses, which bloggers conditionally call Apple Glasses, have support for virtual and augmented reality. Each eyepiece of the gadget will receive a half-inch diagonal with a resolution of 1280×960 pixels and a special microLED matrix from Sony. According to Young, Sony microdisplays have a contrast ratio of 100,000: 1 and a response speed of 0.01 milliseconds.

Ross Young believes that the glasses will primarily focus on working with augmented reality. The blogger noted that he received this data from several reliable sources.

The specialist also clarified that glasses usually have lenses of about two inches, which suggests that OLED microdisplays will be built into larger lenses. According to him, more than 3000 pixels will be located on the surface of the half-inch display, which will provide increased image detail.

In May, renowned Apple blogger John Prosser announced that Apple's smart glasses would be out before 2022. The author noted that the accessory will receive eyepieces with a display and a camera, lidar, support for wireless charging, and the ability to change lenses. The cost of the glasses will be $ 499.

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