Home » Reunion with the lost Viennese sons in Salzburg

Reunion with the lost Viennese sons in Salzburg

by alex

The Capitals meet Red Bull Salzburg for the first time after the transfer dispute in the summer.

Reunion with the lost Viennese sons in Salzburg

It was one of the excitements of the transfer summer: Salzburg not only recruited top scorer Ty Loney from the Vienna Capitals, but also the self-made players Ali Wukovits and Benjamin Nissner. The Viennese, who had become pillars of the Capitals in the previous season, protested that they had not had an offer from Vienna. However, Capitals manager Franz Kalla was annoyed that a gentlemen's agreement, according to which self-built players are not poached, suddenly no longer applied.

Today we will see the prodigal sons again. At least partially, because Wukovits is not yet fit – just like Ty Loney and goalie Jean-Philippe Lamoureux, who became champions with the Capitals 2017.

Salzburg's top striker with five goals and four assists is Peter Schneider, also a former Capitals professional. Nissner is happy: “Of course I have a lot of friends in the caps. Playing against an ex-team is always something nice. “

Upswing in the capital

The Salzburg team recently had problems with the 1-0 nV in Bratislava, but they are the best Austrian team in the ICEHL as third.

The Viennese had a catastrophic start after a total renovation and 14 departures and only left the bottom of the table with two successes last week. The upswing probably has to do with the commitment of the eleventh legionnaire, ex-NHL professional James Sheppard, who played his role as a playmaker right from the start. “We are developing in the right direction,” says Vienna's trainer Dave Barr.

Vienna's defender Dominic Hackl says: “We are well prepared. We meet a lot of old friends. It will be a very special game for sure. “

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