Home » Restoration of light in the Lviv region may take up to 24 hours: there are interruptions in mobile communications

Restoration of light in the Lviv region may take up to 24 hours: there are interruptions in mobile communications

by alex

After a massive missile attack in the Lviv region, there were power outages and a mobile network. The authorities said that the resumption of electricity supply could take more than a day.

The head of the Lviv regional military administration Maxim Kozitsky reported the relevant information on 10 October. He asked to consume electricity as little as possible.

Back to news , and some settlements remain without power supply. Lvivoblenergo specialists are working to restore power as quickly as possible. But the recovery can continue for more than 24 hours,” Kozitsky wrote.

He asked the residents of those settlements that have electricity:

  • use it only when necessary;
  • reduce electricity consumption from 17 to 23 hours, because this will help to pass critical loads on our energy system;
  • try not to use electric heaters, boilers, dishwashers, microwaves because they consume a lot of electricity.

There is still no electricity in a part of Lviv

Due to rocket attacks, most of the city is still without electricity,” Sadovyi said.

The mayor of Lviv explained that each of us must clearly understand what to do next. Andrei Sadovy urged people to return home before it gets dark. In particular, because part of the street lighting is also not working.

The mayor also explained that care should be taken to ensure that there is a supply of food and water at home.

Air Alert is intermittent due to a power outage. In case of an alarm, cars with loudspeakers will drive around the city,” the mayor explained.

It should be remembered that on October 10, explosions were heard at a critical infrastructure facility in Lviv. It is preliminary known that the city's thermal power plant has suspended its work.

According to the mayor, there is no hot water in the city. To restore water supply, backup power generators were launched at several pumping stations.

In addition, a third of the traffic lights in the city do not work. Andrey Sadovy promised that regulators would work at difficult intersections.

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